Thursday, May 27, 2010

76th Post Jesus Teaching New Birth Con't. - John 3: 5 - 8

Jesus continued His teaching on being reborn in the Spirit as follows. Jesus tells Nicodemus that unless you are born of water and the Spirit, you can not enter the Kingdom of God. That which is born of the flesh is flesh, and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. What does this mean? We are born into this world as humans, how can we reborn into the Spirit? This is exactly the same question Nicodemus had over 2,000 years ago. How is this possible! For the answer you need to go back to Genesis chapter 3. In the Garden, God separated the seed of the woman from the seed of the serpent (man). Man is born with the knowledge of good and evil. When man lives by worldly standards, he is living as the seed of the serpent. This does not mean, he is a rapist or a murderer. He can live by the world's standards and still look good. The problem is that God has a different standard all together. When you are born in the Spirit, you have the Spirit of God living in you, this provides you with extra will power to say "no" to the will of the world and you start to live in the Will of God. This does not mean that you become sinless, what happens is that you "sin less." When you decide to put Jesus first in your life, this is when you are truly born again. This can happen after you have been Baptized. If this happens, you do not have to be Baptized again. The Apostle Paul said one Baptism for the remission of sins. You can be baptized again, but it is not necessary. When you start to live in the Will of God, people will start to see a change in you; and you will not be the same person you were before. This is what is meant by born again! Where are you on your walk with God??

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