Monday, May 31, 2010

77th Post Jesus Teaching on Eternal Life - Matthew 19: 17 - 21.

Matthew 19: 17 - 21; Mark 10: 18 - 21; Luke 18: 19 - 22 The rich young ruler.
By the location of this passage in the book of Matthew, you know this took place toward the middle to end of His earthly ministry. While Jesus was teaching a young man came up and said "Good Teacher what good deed must I do to have eternal life?" Jesus responds with "why do you call me good?" Jesus asked this question to remind the people that God alone is the one who is always good. Man because of our sinful nature are not completely good. Only God can be called good all the time. After establishing that fact, Jesus goes on to answer the young man's question. Jesus tells him to keep the commandments. This is quite interesting. Some New Testament teachers, tell us we don't have to pay attention to any of the Old Testament teachings. Jesus clearly is reemphasizing what He said in the Sermon on the Mount, "He did not come to do away with the Law and the Prophets but to fulfill." The young man said, that he has kept those faithfully from his youth. Jesus then told the young man to sell everything he had, and follow Him. At this the young ruler went away very sad, he could not bear to give up his wealth and power. This is where a lot of us who are witnessing get off track. Jesus let the young man go on his way. Jesus did not go after him and continue to try to convince him to follow Jesus. We forget that people have a choice to accept and reject the message. We will be looking at more passages that seem to remind us of this fact. Are you ready to make a decision to follow Christ?

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