Wednesday, May 19, 2010

70th Post Jesus Teachings Con't - Luke 11: 28.

This passage comes at the end of several teachings of Jesus in this chapter. Chapter 11 opens with Jesus giving the disciples The Lord's Prayer. Then Jesus goes on to cast out a demon, some in the crowd say that Jesus could do this through the power of Beelzebul (Prince of Demons). Jesus tells the story of the "Return of an Unclean Spirit." Then a woman raises her voice and proclaims "Blessed is the womb that bore you, and the breasts at which you nursed!" But Jesus replied, "Blessed are those who hear the word of God and keep it!" (Luke 11:28).

If you just look at the last line of the paragraph mentioned above, you can understand the passage; but if you look at what was said from the beginning, you will see that Jesus, was facing a difficult crowd and they were not listening to what He was saying. Let's start with the Lord's Prayer, the disciples asked Jesus to teach them to pray. In this prayer Jesus was showing the disciples how to talk to God. This will be covered in more detail when we look at the Lord's Prayer later. After this Jesus casts out a demon, people in the crowd were probably not there when Jesus taught the disciples the Lord's Prayer. They tell each other that Jesus could do this through the power of Beelzebul the prince of demons. Jesus has been spending a lot of time telling the people that "if you have seen Me, you have seen the Father". Jesus was casting out demons through the Power of God, not demons! I am running out of space again so I will continue next post.

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