Wednesday, February 9, 2011

230th Post Jesus Said on Reproof and Forgiveness Con't. - John 8: 7

John 8: 7 Jesus in the Temple when the Pharisees bring the woman caught in Adultery.
He who is without sin among you, let him throw a stone at her first.
This takes place after the feeding of the 5,000 about 1.1/2 - two years into Jesus earthly Ministry.
This story starts in John 8:1, this account has the most detail of all the Gospels concerning this. Our text comes toward the end of this story, so you should read the whole account to get a full feel for the teaching. Jesus arrived early this day at the Temple to teach, it was while he was there that the scribes (teachers of the law) and the Pharisees (teachers in the Synagogues) brought a woman caught in adultery into the midst of those gathered to hear Jesus. They tell Jesus they have the right to stone her based on the Laws that Moses gave them; but they asked Jesus what will you have us do? This is clearly a trap to try to catch Jesus so that they could start the things in motion to arrest Him. Up to this part of the story all accounts are the same, but in John, Jesus bends down and writes with His finger in the dirt. This is different, John does not tell us what Jesus wrote, or if the scribes and Pharisees could read what He wrote. All we know is that the crowd seems to go through some kind of change. It is at this point that Jesus utters the words of our text for today and pay close attention to what happens next. After Jesus speaks the crowd disperses with the elders leaving first. When Jesus told them the one without sin could cast the first stone, they realized that each one of them had their own sin, that is why the elders left first. They had lived the longest and had the most sin.

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