Friday, February 11, 2011

233rd Post Jesus Said on Giving Con't. - Luke 6:38

Luke 6: 38 Jesus Sermon on the Mount.
Give and it will be given to you: good measure, pressed down, shaken together, and running over will be put into your bosom. For with the same measure that you use, it will be measured back to you.
This is the same text as the one listed in Post #226. This text was taken from New King James Version and Post #226 was taken from the English Standard Version. That is the reason for the different words of the two texts. You need to keep in mind that Post #226, dealt with Judgment and this section deals with giving as a positive. Both are rewarded with the same amount of measure though. For this reason it would be in your best interest to give positive instead of negative things.
See giving does not always only include money. Jesus taught us and showed us by His example, that when we see someone with a need, we are to fulfill that need if we can. This goes against everything the world teaches. This is a hard thing for us to do, because it is much easier to pretend we don't see, and go ahead with our business. This is a big part of living the life of Christ. If you call yourself a Christian, this means "Christ- like", putting money in the plate on Sunday and saying you did your part is only half right. You must also help people you come in contact with. You can start with the people in your own Church fellowship, who are in need. This is part of what Jesus meant, when He said "They will know you are my disciples because you love one another." This is one of Jesus' commands.

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