Monday, February 14, 2011

234th Post Jesus Said on Giving Con't. - Luke 21: 3-4

Luke 21: 3 -4; Mark 12: 43 - 44 The story of the widow and the two mites.
Truly I say to you that this poor widow has put in more than all; for all of these out of their abundance have put in offerings for God, but she out of her poverty put in all the livelihood that she had.
This was spoken by Jesus during the last week of His earthly ministry before His crucifixion. After Palm Sunday, Jesus would visit the Temple everyday and teach. Jesus was teaching in the area of the Temple near the offering box, He was watching the rich come and put their offerings in the box, while the Temple was crowded, so that they could be seen. Then Jesus sees this old widow come and put two small coins in the offering box. Jesus, being God could see the heart of every giver, and this was why He spoke out. The rich had waited until the Temple area around the offering box was full of people before they put in their offering. They wanted their gift to be seen. The widow on the other hand came at this time, because she does not go out at night, and knows that no one pays any attention to a poor old widow. The people would see, but not see. She put in two small coins, compared to the rich, very small in compared value of money. Jesus looks at the whole story and this is what He exposed. The gift that the rich gave though high in money value, was low compared to what they could afford. The widow had truly learned to trust God with all and gave all she had, knowing that He would take care of her. She was old, she had been walking with God for a long time, and she put her complete trust in the Lord. We are to strive for that kind of faith that the widow has. Where are you on your walk with God??

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