Friday, February 25, 2011

241st Post Jesus Said About the Holy Spirit - New Topic Introduction.

New Topic Introduction concerning the Holy Spirit.
The Holy Spirit is the third person of the Trinity; He has been the one promised by Jesus to be the disciples care giver and helper. If you know the Old Testament, you already know something about this member of the Trinity; however, in the Old Testament he would come over someone, stay for a time and then would leave. In the New Testament, the Holy Spirit never leaves you, and he will be with you forever. It is important how you interpret forever, and the term will never leave. These terms come into play when you look at End Times. In this study, we are looking at what Jesus said; and He being only one of the Godhead, how His words fit in with the rest of God's Words. Jesus always represented Himself as being from and part of God. For this reason, everything He said went along with what the Law and the Prophets had already said. The Bible is God's Word, and as such it can not lie or contradict itself. You need to keep this in mind when you are studying the Bible. What will be the Helper's duties? He will continue to teach the disciples by telling them what they need to know, and explaining what Jesus had already taught them. The Helper will also give them courage, and take away all their doubts. The Holy Spirit is a very strong Helper, and we need to know when and where to ask Him to help. He will Always be there for us.

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