Wednesday, February 16, 2011

237th Post Jesus on Proper Role of the Law Con't - Matthew 7:12

Matthew 7: 12; Luke 6: 31 Jesus Sermon on the Mount.
Therefore, whatever you want men to do to you, do also to them, for this is the Law and the Prophets.
This passage was spoken by Jesus during His Sermon on the Mount; about 1.1/2 years into His earthly Ministry. This is the same teaching that the Jews received from Moses, if you look at the 10 Commandments they tell you this indirectly. This was the problem. The Jews would not look at the whole picture the Law was telling them. They tried to keep the letter of each Law instead of trying to understand the purpose of the Law. You should have recognized the passage mentioned above, it is also known as the "Golden Rule". This used to be taught in school, everyone knew this rule. Now we are taught a different "Golden Rule", the one with the "Gold" makes the rules! The latter is what the world teaches. Jesus calls us to be not of this world, this means we are to live by a different set of standards. The purpose of this class is to look at the teachings of Jesus and try to apply them to our lives. Jesus calls us not to be hearer's only but also doer's of His Words. In the Old Testament, the Jews got the part that they were to submit to God, they did not seem to understand that God wanted them to treat each other with love and respect. This is the part of the Law that Jesus concentrated on the most. We are to love one another.

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