Tuesday, December 6, 2011

390th Post Jesus Words from the Cross Con't. -John 19:28.

John 19: 28.
I thirst!
This was spoken by Jesus on the day He died on the cross. The Romans offered condemned men to drink a mixture called gall, this was a mixture of myrrh and sour wine, meaning a cheap quality of wine, or vinegar. This was given to the condemned, as a way to deaden the pain. This looks on the surface to be a compassionate thing to do. The Romans were experts in torture and inflicting pain. The gall would prolong their death, not hasten it. Jesus refused it at first. Jesus did this, so He could keep His promise that He would lay down His life and take it up again; by keeping His head clear. It would be a good idea when reading Jesus words from the cross, to have Psalm 22 handy to read along. When Jesus said "I thirst!" He was going to fulfill another prophecy, Psalm 69:21. "They gave me poison for food, and for my thirst they gave me sour wine to drink." There are a lot of prophecies, fulfilled while on the cross. No other person has fulfilled so many prophecies during His lifetime. When Jesus returns, He will fulfill the rest of the prophecies still left unfulfilled. Many New Testament scholars believe that the Old Testament is already fulfilled and not relevant today. I hope you are seeing that this just is not so.

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