Sunday, December 11, 2011

394th Post Jesus On Predictions on His Own Rejection and Death Con't. - Matthew 17: 22 - 23.

Matthew 17: 22 - 23; Mark 9:31; Luke 9: 44; John 2: 19.
The Son of Man is about to be betrayed into the hands of men, and they will kill Him, and the third day He will be raised up.
This was spoken by Jesus 1.1/2 to 2 years into His earthly ministry. Jesus gives people more insight as to His death and resurrection. Jesus predicts that He will be betrayed, and the third day He will rise again. If Jesus was not who He said He was, why would He allow Himself to be treated this way?? Then there is this question, if Jesus was Who He said He was, why would He allow Himself to be crucified? God promised a deliverer in Genesis Chapter 3. It was for this purpose that Jesus was Born into this world. Man could not on his own bring himself back in favor with God. Isaiah tells us that God looks on our good works as filthy rags! This is why we can not count on our works to save us! How, then must we be saved?? God created us, God told us how to live, and God has reconciled us back to Him! God has done it all, all we have to do is believe! Still, we will not accept this! This is why, we don't understand how Jesus would save the thief on the cross. The thief at the beginning, was with the crowd, then something happened that made him change his position, and ask Jesus (God) for forgiveness, and asked Jesus to remember him, when Jesus comes into His Kingdom. Jesus replied "Today, you will be with Me in paradise." What is your position? Do you believe Jesus Is Who He Said He Is??

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