Wednesday, December 28, 2011

405th Post Jesus Said On His Rejection and Death Con't. - John 12: 7 - 8.

John 12: 7 - 8.
Let her alone, she has kept this for the day of My burial. For the poor you have with you always, but Me you do not have always.
This was spoken by Jesus two weeks before He was to suffer and die. This retort from Jesus, came as result of the disciples commenting on the lavishness of this display from Mary, Martha's sister. Judas commented on how expensive the perfume was, and that it could have helped many poor people. The last line of this text, is very important. Jesus was saying that the poor you will always have time to take care of, as we have them with us today. When Jesus said "But Me you do not have always." He was saying that He will not be here in this capacity again. When Jesus comes again, He will be in charge, and not as a servant. This is another indication that Jesus was more than just a religious leader. He always knew His place and that He would come again; and in what capacity He would be in. Jesus taught us "That the last will be come first, and the first last." Jesus came the first time as a servant and when He comes back, He will be the King of Kings!" This is part of what Jesus meant, when He asked us to watch and pay attention to the signs. The Bible is full of signs, have you been finding them and watching? This is what we are asked to do, if we are follower's of Jesus. Are you watching??

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