Thursday, December 8, 2011

392nd Post Jesus Said About His Rejection and Death - New Section of Study.

Rejection and Death.
If Jesus was just a carpenter turned itinerant preacher. How could He have known so much about Sacred Jewish Scriptures, and God. The fact that He worked in a carpenter's shop, would tell a Jew, that Jesus was not taught by the Religious Authorities. How could He possibly know the things He taught about! The Religious Authorities, were the only people who could read and study Sacred Scripture. This was the big question, and the reason many did not take Him serious while He lived on earth. Jesus never waivered from His Story. We are in a better position now to decide if Jesus Is Who He said He was. We have access to Old Testament Scriptures, all the prophecies written concerning Jesus the Messiah, and through the New Testament accounts, have a written account of fulfillment of these prophecies. Jesus did not fulfill all the prophecies yet, but He will when He returns. Jesus foretold His death, He talked about how, how could He have known He would Die as a criminal of the Roman Government. Jesus was not guilty of crimes against the Roman Government, so how could this happen? All of the prophecies concerning His death have come true. How could He possibly known and fulfilled these things, unless He Is Who He Said He is! That is the only explanation that makes sense. Do you believe??

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