Saturday, December 24, 2011

403rd Post Jesus Said On His Own Rejection and Death Con't. - Luke 13: 32 - 33.

Luke 13: 32 - 33.
Go, tell that fox, "Behold, I cast out demons and perform cures today and tomorrow, and the third day I shall be perfected." Nevertheless I must journey today, tomorrow, and the day following; for it cannot be that a prophet should perish outside of Jerusalem.
This was spoken by Jesus toward the end of His earthly ministry. Some Pharisees came to warn Jesus that Herod wants to kill him. Jesus replies that He is about His Father's business, and that He will continue to do so, until His time has come. The Pharisees, that warned Jesus were ones that have come to believe that Jesus is Lord. They remembered that Herod, was the one who captured John the Baptist and killed him. They were trying to keep Jesus from suffering the same fate. Jesus was telling them that His path leads to Jerusalem where He will be killed. This is what Jesus meant when He said "on the third day I will be perfected." In this study, we have been looking at the words of Jesus very carefully, and have seen just how many times Jesus foretold His death. Then when the time came for these things to come to pass, it took them by surprise. "God's ways are not our ways". This is why we don't all follow the teachings of God. If you are truly seeking the truth, you will find it. Have you found it yet??

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