Wednesday, January 4, 2012

410th Post Jesus Said On His Rejection and Death Con't. - John 14: 30 - 31.

John 14: 30 - 31.
I will no longer talk much with you, for the ruler of this world is coming, and he has nothing in Me. But that the world may know that I love the Father, and as the Father gave Me commandment, so I do.
This was spoken by Jesus the night He was to be betrayed in the upper room with His Disciples. Notice Jesus says that the ruler of this world is coming, God created humans with free choice; it is this free choice that always gets us into trouble. We always want to do the will of the world and not the Will of God. God destroyed the world by flood, to correct the balance of good vs. evil, that worked for awhile, then God sent His Son to conquer sin and correct it again; then Jesus will come again to finally do away with sin. Notice Jesus said the ruler of this world has nothing in Me. This is very important to remember that Jesus and Satan have no part with one another. God is Good, and Satan is evil; God has no evil in Him!! Other religions teach that God is both good and evil. This statement is false! I will post on this point right after I finish this section and before we look at Jesus' resurrection. Why does God allow sin to go unchecked? This is a great question, and is difficult to answer to satisfy us. God allows sin, so that we are free to turn from sin and come back to God. This is the point of this blog. Have you made a decision yet??

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