Tuesday, January 31, 2012

418th Post Jesus On Predictions Con't. - His Resurrection Con't. - John 2: 19

John 2: 19
Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up.
This was spoken by Jesus very early in His earthly ministry. Jesus had not yet called all of His disciples yet. Jesus said these words in Jerusalem in the Temple, just after Jesus had cleansed it according to John's account. The other Gospels say that Jesus did this just before he was arrested to be killed. This looks like a contradiction or an error. The Bible is God's Word, and as such it can not lie or contradict itself. So that means the Gospel accounts and this one in John have to be true. That means there have to be two different times Jesus Cleansed the Temple. This makes sense and answers the question why the other Gospels don't have this account. When Jesus said these words, He only had two to four disciples called. When Jesus talked about the Temple, they thought, He was talking about the Temple Herod was working on. The Temple, Jesus was talking about was His own Body. This was the first time Jesus prophesied, concerning His death. These words troubled the Jewish religious leaders, they could not understand what Jesus meant by these words. Jesus own disciples, would not remember this until after Jesus died and rose again! Jesus had just started His ministry, and already He was causing quite a stir within Israel. When you come face to face with Jesus, you have to make a decision, do you believe He is Who He Said He was? Or, Is He a Liar? Only you can answer this question for yourself. Who is this Jesus? Son of God? Or, is He a fake? What do you think?

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