Thursday, January 5, 2012

412th Post Jesus Said On His Rejection and Death Con't. - John 18: 11.

John 18:11
Put your sword into the sheath. Shall I not drink the cup which My Father has given Me?
This was spoken by Jesus the night He was betrayed in the Garden of Gethsemane. Peter has just pulled his sword, and struck off Malchus' right ear. Notice what Jesus says to Peter here. "Shall I not drink the cup which my Father has given Me?" Clearly, Jesus knows who is responsible for what is about to happen to Him. Before Jesus was born, He knew this is the purpose He was brought into this world. Jesus has to die to restore man back to God. This fact has become lost to people the longer in time we get from that night. Understanding of exactly what Jesus accomplished on the cross is being forgotten. New Testament Christians, concentrate of God being love; but forget that God is also just. The Bible says "The wages of sin is death." There is a cost of sin. Even when the sin is forgiven, there is still a consequence for those sins committed. This is a truth that some Christians want to down play. The fact remains they (the consequences) are still there and need to be dealt with. This is why some Christians protest at capital punishment cases where a person is to die for committing the crimes, but in jail they found the Lord. Their coming to the Lord, had no basis on whether they should die for the crimes committed. They were sentenced to die for their sins (crimes). This is the wage of sin.

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