Saturday, January 7, 2012

413th Post the Purpose of the Cup in the Garden of Gethsemane- My Comment.

Why did Jesus seem to want to let this cup pass from Him? To understand this, you need to have a good understanding of the Old Testament, and the Gospels. The Old Testament provides the prophesies pointing to the Birth and Life of Jesus. Jesus came into this world to take the sin out, that was introduced by Adam in the Garden of Eden. When man sinned, he established sin's hold on this world. This brings up the question, if Jesus really cancelled sin on the cross; why do we still have sin in the world? This has been the burning question asked since Jesus died on the cross! Your knowledge of "The Cup" in Gethsemane will help you understand it. Jesus knows that the reason for His birth was to take sin out of the world. God's law had been broken, and someone had to pay for this, before man could be reinstated to God. This is what the "Cup" in Gethsemane represents. The cup not only holds the sin of man from the garden to when Jesus comes again; but also God's righteous wrath associated with that sin. This makes for one deadly drink. Jesus was perfect, free of sin, so how did sin enter Him?? Jesus hated sin, just as much as His Father, God. In order to save mankind, Jesus would have to become sin, to become the perfect sacrifice. Jesus was asking God through prayer, "If there was any other way, He could have this Cup pass from Him". He ends His prayer, "Not My will, but Yours be done." Jesus submits to the will of His Father.

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