Tuesday, January 24, 2012

417th Post Jesus on Predictions Con't.; Resurrection Prophecy Con't.- Matthew 26: 32

Matthew 26: 32; Mark 14:28.
But after I have been raised, I will go before you to Galilee.
This was spoken on Maundy Thursday, before He told Peter that soon He would deny Jesus three times. Jesus was telling them where they could find Him after He had risen from the grave. Jesus told the disciples many things that night, but it seems they did not remember them. Jesus also told the disciples that He would rise from the dead several times before this time, and they seemed to forget that also. Jesus said that "I will go before you to Galilee." When Jesus appeared to His disciples soon after He was raised, He told them to wait in Jerusalem until He could send them the Helper (Holy Spirit). The Resurrection, is probably the hardest thing for us as humans to understand. None of the people Jesus or the prophets had raised, had undergone so much physical punishment. The "Cross" was the Romans most extreme punishment for enemies of the State of Rome. It was meant to make a statement of the convict's death, and be very painful and final! This is what helped the disciples to think that Christ rising as being impossible. Impossible for man, yes; but impossible for God, No! Jesus always knew who He was, and what His destiny was. Only Jesus could have fulfilled this request made by His Father!! Do you believe??

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