Saturday, January 21, 2012

416th Post Jesus Said Predictions Con't. His Resurrection Con't. - Matthew 17: 9.

Matthew 17: 9
Tell the vision to no one until the Son of Man is risen from the dead.
This was spoken by Jesus about 2 to 2.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. Just after His Transfiguration. Peter, James and John, were the disciples Jesus chose to be with Him to see this miracle. These disciples were there to witness Moses and Elijah meet with Jesus. If you read the account of the Transfiguration, you will see that Jesus' appearance changed, His body gave off light and His clothes became bright with white light. Moses and Elijah came and talked to Jesus. Both of these Old Testament prophets had had their run ins with the Jews, and their believing them. Who better than these two prophets, to come and give Jesus encouragement. They had also tried to deal with these stiff-necked people. Jesus had allowed these three disciples to witness Jesus' Godly side. The disciples witnessed this, but still did not really understand what they had seen. As Jesus was coming down the mountain, He tells His disciples not to tell anyone about what they had seen until Jesus rises from the dead. Jesus said this because these were His most trusted disciples and they could not process what had taken place. Other folks would totally not understand what took place in the miracle.

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