Tuesday, June 5, 2012

530th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of the Clever but Evil Steward Con't. 2nd Post - Luke 16: 1 - 13.

Luke 16: 1 - 13 Continued Second Post. Parable of Clever but Evil Steward.
I am sure you have been waiting for me to start explaining this parable.  On the surface, this parable seems not to fit the usual type Jesus told; and you would be right.  This parable does not seem to have a positive moral, like the other parables do.  It is this fact that makes this parable hard to explain.  I have found it difficult, to find commentaries brave enough to talk on this parable.  And of the ones I have found, they do not seem to agree on what this parable teaches.  I feel I will be right at home, with my explanation because I am sure some will disagree with it.  To try to explain this parable, we must start off finding out to whom this parable was spoken to.  This is part of the theme started in Luke chapter 13, dealing with Jesus' Discourse dealing with "Repent or Perish."  The people Jesus was talking to were both Pharisees and common people, the ones the Pharisees' considered to be sinners.  All of the parables in Luke chapter 16, all deal with this subject and was addressed to these same followers.  In this Parable the Clever but Evil Steward, Jesus is talking only to the common people of His audience,  He will address the Pharisees, later.  Continued next post. 

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