Thursday, June 14, 2012

538th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of the Two Sons Con't. - Matthew 21: 28 - 31 Con't. 2nd Post.

Matthew 21: 28 - 31 Parable of the Two Sons Continued, second post.
As mentioned in the last post, Jesus was trying to teach the people how to live for God and achieve eternal life.  The people believed that the rituals of Temple worship would save them.  Jesus was telling them that it is more important to do the Will of God in the first place, then to keep trying to perform enough sin offerings to cover all their sins.  This is a losing proposition.  We left the story last post with both sons lying to their father.  The first son said "he would not go," in rebellion to his father.  Later the son thought about what he had said and how he was acting, he repented and went.  By repenting and going, the first son was doing the will of his father.  The second son said he would go and then did not.  How much is this like us today?  It is said that the road to hell is paved with good intentions.  The second son said he would go without complaint, but then, never went.  How many times do we say we will do something, and then other things come up and we fail to complete our obligations.  How many times have you told someone you would pray for them and then did not?  Jesus wants us to live by His Words, and do them.

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