Thursday, June 21, 2012

543rd Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - The Parable of the Good Samaritan Con't. - 4th Post - Luke 10: 30 - 37.

Luke 10: 30 - 37, 4th Post Parable of the Good Samaritan Continued.
We left last post with the two religious leaders crossing over to the other side of the road without stopping and giving any help.  Jesus then tells us the next potential rescuer is a Samaritan.  It is interesting that Jesus would use this group as the next potential rescuer.  To a Jew, Samaritans are unclean and worse than other Gentiles (non-Jews).  These people were not to be trusted, they were considered to be God-less, and untrustworthy.  The ironic fact of the matter is that the Samaritans were part Jewish.  Hatred of the Samaritans stems from the fall of the 10 tribes of the North of Israel, that were rounded up and moved from their homeland to the lands of Elam by the Assyrians.  The Samaritans, are the ones who the Assyrians could not catch and they gave themselves in marriage to the group the Assyrians put in place of the Jews they deported.  Not only did they give themselves in marriage, but they also adopted the gods these new people brought with them.  I have run out of space again.  Continued next post.

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