Thursday, June 7, 2012

533rd Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of The Clever, But Evil Steward Con't. 5th Post. - Luke 16: 1 - 13.

Luke 16: 1 - 13, continued Parable of the Clever But Evil Steward Con't. 5th Post.
In my last post, I was talking about confrontation.  This happens when the Words of Jesus convict you and make you, make a change in your thinking and in your way of living.  The person in our story, did not make such a change.  The title of the Parable, gives you this information, "The Clever, But Evil Steward".  If he had changed, Jesus would have included this information in His story.  We have to remember that merely hearing, or reading God's Word, or the Words of Jesus, does not get us into Heaven.  Satan, knows these Words, but does not practice them.  When we adopt Jesus' Words, into our life and start living His Words, is when and where change happens.  This is the process of being "Born Again".  When you become a believer, you shed your old ways and adopt a new way of living.  This new way of living is seen by others almost immediately, you will look at life differently, and at people differently.  You will feel different inside also, this is called the "Joy of the Gospel."  This post explains the change that should have taken place, but did not.  I still have more of this parable to look at and explain.   

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