Wednesday, June 13, 2012

536th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - New Section on Obedience - My Comments.

I believe this section is started too early, because we have not finished all the parables mentioned in Luke chapter 16.  We will look at those later in this study, I hope.  I have made a note of this and will fix it during my rewrite.  Anyway, Jesus told a parable that dealt with the subject of Obedience.  It is very easy for us to become lax in our day to day life, concerning the things of Christ.  We get bogged down with the worries and cares of this world and forget that to be called a "Christian", there should be enough evidence in your life to prove you are a follower of Jesus Christ.  Jesus has told us over and over in the Gospels, "To be not only a hearer of God's Word, but a doer as well."  When we become a doer, our life changes, because we start living for God and not for this world.   When you have Christ in your life, God comes first, then your family and other people, and you are the last one you think about.  This is completely backwards from the way the world teaches.  The World teaches, take care of you first, then worry about others, and after that you can worry about God, but God is not that necessary.

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