Wednesday, June 6, 2012

531st Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of the Clever but Evil Steward Con't. 3rd Post - Luke 16: 1 - 13.

Luke 16: 1- 13 The Clever But Evil Steward Con't. 3rd Post.
This parable was spoken to the common folk (sinners), in Jesus' audience.  The common folk are the workers and they have to work in order to receive money needed in order to live.  I'm sure most of you reading this post would fall into this category.  The steward in this story, did not do his job well enough, and was fired for it. The same can be said of us who work today.  References from your previous employer are required in order to obtain work at another place of employment.  This also is true of us working today.  The steward of our story, knows that he cannot expect a good reference from his master.  He tells us he cannot dig, and will not beg for money.  With the expectation of the negative reference in mind, he knows he can not expect anyone else to employ him.  What to do?  The steward believes, that if he calls the master's debtors to him before he is fired, and reduces their debts to the master, he will gain favor with them, and could expect them to receive him into their households after he has left this employment.  So far, we understand the parable, and this makes sense to us.  I have run out of space for this post, will continue next post. 

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