Wednesday, January 27, 2010

11th Post - The Good Shepherd Con't.

Jesus has been likening us to sheep, we have more trouble seeing the likeness than the people Jesus first spoke these words to. Then Jesus talks about hirelings and false shepherds, and more than one flock. To be the Good Shepherd you are prepared to die to protect your sheep, the hireling will not go to this extent to protect the sheep. To him this is just a job and not worth losing your life over. False shepherds are interested in leading sheep astray; you can identify them by their actions. If the shepherds are true, their message would be the same as the Good Shepherd, they would speak with one voice. This is why you need to keep your nose in the Book (Bible), the Bible will show you what is false. Jesus says that the sheep know My voice and listen to Me. There are many groups claiming to be the other flock mentioned in this passage. This is very easy to discern which group this is. Those of you that read my prophecy blog, know that this other flock has been pointed out already. During the Millennium period, there will be two Olive trees supplying the lampstand with oil. One Olive tree is the believing Jews, and the other one is the one Paul described in (Romans 11:11-24), the believing Gentiles. This is what John 3:16 talks about. What makes these two flocks into one large flock is following the words of God.
This is all the words not just some of them. Jesus makes it plain enough, to be part of His flock you need to know His voice and follow Him. You have to make the decision, no one can make it for you. Not quite finished with this topic yet, wait for next post...

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