Thursday, January 28, 2010

12th Post - The Good Shepherd Con't What type of Sheep are You?

We have found that there are two types of shepherds, there are also two types of sheep. The true sheep only listens to His Master and follows Him. Then there are faux sheep, these sheep follow only occasionally and think they are following the truth. These sheep follow a wide path, which includes many teachings that run contrary to what Jesus and the Bible teaches. They don't read the Bible, but can tell you everything it says except chapter and verse when asked to prove where the Bible says that. The faux sheep, are easy prey for false shepherds and believe that these shepherds are the right ones because they tell these sheep what they want to hear. You want to know the truth, read what Jesus and the Bible teaches, everything else is a waste of time. The closer you look at what Jesus said, the narrower the path becomes. How is this possible? Jesus said we would have life and have it more abundantly. This does not make any sense. Jesus chose the word sheep to describe us, it is a very good description. If sheep were left to themselves they would die; they don't know what is good to eat, they don't know where it is safe to drink, and they have no fear. Since they are fearless, they will go into places and under conditions that are not safe. The shepherd has to anticipate all of his sheep's needs and to provide for them, all the sheep has to do is trust his shepherd. We have a very hard time with this trust issue. I believe that this is the strongest and hardest obstacle, that keeps us from becomming Christians (Christ Like), a true follower of Jesus Christ. We will be looking at this trust issue from many different angles , as we explore the words and teachings of Jesus. Trust and Obey, this is the main message of the Bible and the words of Jesus. You have to first trust that the teaching is true before you can obey it. This only comes through walking with the True Shepherd, and reading the Bible. I see I have run out of space again, we have almost finished this teaching of the Good Shepherd. Stay tuned...

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