Monday, January 25, 2010

9th Post 1/25/10 - The Good Shepherd.

We have been looking at what Jesus said about himself, and in the process of discovering this we have to look at what God said in the Old Testament. Case in point, last week we looked at Communion and found Jesus used the word covenant. We looked at this word from the Old Testament perspective. The Good Shepherd teaching comes from the Gospel of John 10: 1 - 18,
this is a hard teaching of Jesus. In this passage He (Jesus) likens Himself to a door, and says whoever does not enter by the door, or through Him is a thief and a robber. This seems to us to be very narrow minded. Those of you that read this and come from different religions, did your god come to earth and pay for your salvation? The answer is no. Only Jesus Christ did this and bought us with His Own Blood. This gives Him the right to claim this truth. This is what gives Jesus the right to have His Name above all others God gave us free choice and it is this choice that causes us to make the wrong choice time and time again. If you don't know God, you don't recognize when you sin. Reading the Bible shows you the difference between right and wrong. It is understanding the difference between right and wrong, that tends to make some people stop reading their Bible. When you start to live for God, you will still stumble with wrong choices. To make the wrong choices less often requires time alone reading your Bible, this is what is meant by the term spending time with God. The more time you spend, the less wrong choices you will make. This is what Jesus was talking about when He said My sheep hear My Voice and Follow Me. If you don't spend time reading your Bible and talking to God, you will not recognize His voice from the false teachers. I am running out of space and have only touched the beginning of this passage. To be continued.

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