Sunday, January 10, 2010

3rd Post What Jesus Said About His Identity.

We had our first meeting tonight and had several good discussions concerning what Jesus said about His identity. We seemed to have the same problem that the Jews had at the time of Jesus.
Trying to understand that Jesus had two natures. Jesus was 100% God and 100% man. The people could see that Jesus was a man, but could not understand that Jesus was at the same time God. When Jesus told the people He was God, they did not believe Him. When God appeared to Moses in the burning bush, Moses asked God what he should call Him. God replied "I AM, that I AM." When we read these words we think of God as singular. Now Jesus is saying that He and the Father are One. How can one plus one equal one? This is the mystery of God. Our God is Triune which means three persons one God. If you go back to the Hebrew Scriptures the account of Adam being made in Genesis, you will see that the pronoun "we" is used and "our" for image. This happened before God appeared to Moses at the burning bush. The account of Genesis was written by Moses himself. Moses wrote the first 5 books of the Old Testament (during the 40 years Moses was in the desert). In the desert, Moses had a very different relationship with God than he had at the time of the burning bush.
Moses wrote those books as he was moved by the Holy Spirit, (the other person of the Trinity).
If this is confusing, don't worry about it, God is infinite (boundless) and we have minds that are finite (limited). I can give you two very bad occurences of how the Trinity might be explained in nature. The first is water, it can take the form or snow, ice and water (liquid). All are water but three different forms. The next example would be a tree, you have the leaves, trunk, and the roots. All are different but all part of the tree and the tree would not be a tree without any one of those parts. The Trinity is more involved than the examples I provided here, but I hope you get the idea.
What caused this discussion, was when the Pharisees asked Jesus about his authority to address the crowds. Jesus asked them about Psalm 110:1 (Luke 20:41-44), and asked if "David calls him Lord, then how can He be his Son?" A good question, the Pharisees knew that Jesus quoted Psalm 11o and that this was a Messianic Psalm, they knew exactly what Jesus was telling them. They could not say anything to negate Jesus claim, so they said nothing. This is just one example of more examples to come that we will explore in this section of what Jesus had to say about His Identity. The next example comes from (John 8:56,58) The Pharisees were tracing their roots back to Abraham. Jesus said "Your Father Abraham rejoiced at the thought of seeing my day; he saw it and was glad." The people looked at the age of Jesus (not even 50 years old), and wondered how Jesus could have seen Abraham's day that came way before Moses? They could not believe this is possible. True for a mere man this would be impossible, but with God all things are possible.

We are in a better situation then they were. We can read and study what the Bible said concerning Jesus and then study it again. We have all the Bible said regarding Jesus, including all the miracles He performed.
We have at our fingertips all the prophecy written concerning Him. With all of this information it should be a no brainer for us to believe what the Bible says concerning Jesus. This is easier said than done.

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