Monday, January 18, 2010

4th Post Sunday night January 17th 2010. Jesus Identity

We were discussing Jesus, my kingdom is not of this world John 18:36-37, this is from the conversation with Pilate. The next part had to do with Spiritual Food and drink. Matthew 26:26-28; Mark14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20. These come from Jesus' Last Supper from the upper room. These comments were made by Jesus to His disciples the night of His betrayal. This was after 3 and 1/2 years of the disciples walking with Jesus. Jesus sets up a new covenant with the disciples using bread and wine to symbolize His Body and Blood. I mentioned that this was not the first time that Jesus had used this symbolism, the first time was in John chapter six and verse 53 (John 6:53). In John, Jesus addressed the whole crowd, here is another classic situation where Jesus was talking on one level and the people were hearing on another level. This still happens today, we have a term for it called not being on the same page. Jesus was talking about Spiritual things and they were understanding physical things. In the physical, "Eat My Body and Drink My Blood" would mean cannibalism. The Jews know that this practice is against the teaching of God; this would be repulsive to them. The fact that they thought Jesus said this shows that at this time the multitude did not believe that Jesus was God or sent by God. God does not Lie, or Contradict Himself. The passages in the Old Testament they would be thinking about are Genesis 9:4; Leviticus 7: 26-27; 17: 10 - 14; Deuteronomy 12: 23-24. The Jews broke these laws in 2 Kings 6:29 and Lamentations 4:9 - 10. I am running out of post space so I will pick this up on the next post, stay tuned.

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