Wednesday, January 20, 2010

5th Post Spiritual Food and Drink Communion Continued

In the 2 Kings and Lamentations accounts show the times that the Jews had to resort to cannibalism due to sieges of their Capitals by their enemies. The 2 Kings account was against the North Kingdom at Samaria; this group became known as the Samaritans; the Jews would look down on them as being not as pure Jewish as they. The Lamentations account is at Jerusalem during the siege by the Babylonians under Nebuchadnezzar. The bottom line was that God told them they would decline to this level when they turned away from God. This can happen to anyone who turns that far away from God. This is why the Jews were repulsed by Jesus' Words in the John 6 account. When Jesus instituted the Last Supper Feast He said that it would be a new covenant in His Blood. I will say more on the covenant later. How many of us go to Communion and listen to the Bible accounts said by the Priests or Pastors, but do not really hear what the words say. "Take Eat, this is My Body, which is given for you", and "Take and drink, this Cup is for the remission of sins". Jesus is saying get My Body and Blood into you for forgiveness of sins. This is done by reading the Bible and taking Communion. Jesus asked us to be like Him. How is this possible? By reading the Bible (God's Word), we can learn how to live.
Before we can reach others, we have to have His Words in us, this is the meaning behind the parable of the plank and the moat (Matthew 7:3). I see I am running out of space for this post stay tuned...

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