Wednesday, January 20, 2010

8th Post - Amazing Love - Comment

When I was posting Jesus Said... about Spiritual Food & Drink; it came to me how amazing God's love for us really is. No other God cares where you end up. The Most High God cared so much that He sent His only begotten Son to die and rise for our sins. God knew when He gave us free choice that we would waste our choice by choosing the wrong things. He sent His Son to die for us, and we still have the choice to believe or not. Each of us has to make this choice, no one can make the choice for us. Even when we make the wrong choice, God still tries to reach us and bring us back to Him. This is what the story of the ninety-nine sheep is all about. God lets us drift from Him, He hopes that we will wise up; sometimes we get so far away, we can't find our way back to Him. If you feel you have drifted so far away, that you can not ever come back. God knows exactly where you are and is waiting for you to ask Him back into your life. Don't believe it? Try it, prove me and God wrong!

The previous statement was pretty hard and direct, but you know in your heart that I am right.
Redemption is what God is about.

Lets look at the other side of this for a moment. If you find yourself in hell, you will not be able to blame God for where you ended up. To end up in hell, you would have had to have decided to walk away from God's ways and serve the other guy (devil). This is not a one or two time thing.
This is not backsliding, this is willful rebellion to God. If you are afraid you committed this, you have not, because worrying about if you did or not proves that you still care about God. What I am talking about is being dead to God. This is what the word apostasy means.

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