Wednesday, January 20, 2010

6th Post -Spiritual Food & Drink - Con't.

Communion is a symbol of how we should live our lives. When we read the Bible, it has a tendency to convict us. This is why our Bible has a place of prominence in our bookcases, on the top shelf. People see it when they come over, but it is not convenient enough for us to read everyday. We keep it there because it only tells me how bad I am. This could happen; if it does, why? God said He will meet you anywhere, even at the gates of hell. When God meets you, He wants you to be the best you can be. He can only start to change where you are, by making you aware of where you are. You don't know sin is sin until the Holy Spirit makes you aware of it. This is why you can talk to people who are living contrary to God, and they won't listen. Only God can cause us to change. Instead of trying to talk them to death, try asking the Holy Spirit to change their heart. You do this through prayer, you are asking God and He will work on it. This is only part of the problem, they have the choice to listen to God or not. God gave us free choice, and it is this free choice that makes us do all of the things we do. You who have had children, which one of the parents taught the child to disobey or talk back. This the child does naturally, no one had to teach them. We treat our Spiritual Father with the same kind of reverence. I see I have run out again, stay tuned...

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