Saturday, March 31, 2012

460th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't. - Matthew 24: 24 - 28 Con't.

Matthew 24: 24 - 28; Mark 13: 22 - 23; Luke 17: 23 - 24, 37; Continued.
Jesus (being God) fore knew everything that is going to happen.  This should make you as a believer, happy  and increase your belief because Jesus knew this would happen, so when it does, it will be added proof of Who Jesus Really Is!  Jesus then goes on to say that the false christs, and prophets say the Jesus is here, or in the desert, you are not to believe it.  "For as lightening comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be."   The prophet Daniel said that the Son of Man will come in the clouds with great power.  Then Jesus said "For wherever the carcass is, the eagles will gather."  Jesus was telling the disciples that after He (Jesus) rises into heaven, Israel and the believer's will look like they are unprotected.  It is this vulnerability that will cause wicked people to try to take advantage of Jesus' absence, and try to destroy the knowledge of God from the earth.  Jesus told us that the days will be like the days of Noah, before Jesus comes again!  The world is getting dark, that is true, but it will have to get a lot darker before Jesus returns.  

459th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't - Matthew 24: 24 - 28 Con't.

Matthew 24: 24 - 28;  Mark 13: 22 - 23;  Luke 17: 23 - 24, 37. Continued.
I left off last post talking about the false christs and false prophets to come.  Jesus went on saying that they will deceive, if possible, even the elect.  Even when we have been Christians for a long time, we still have free choice, and it is this free choice, that can make us turn from our belief.  This is why the Bible teaches through many different passages the necessity to "endure to the end", or "be an over comer"; "run the race to win the prize", etc.  The longer we are Christians the easier it is to become complacent in our belief and feel we can never fall.  This is Satan's greatest weapon against us.  Why do you think Peter likened Satan to a ravenous lion, looking for someone to devour. (1 Peter 5: 8).  Notice Peter said someone, not new Christian or unbeliever.  I have yet to see a lion pass up a healthy animal that it could catch easily for a harder to catch weaker or sick animal.  I believe this is why Peter used this illustration.  I see I have run out of space again and will finish this part of the passage hopefully next post. 

458th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't. Matthew 24: 24 - 28.

Matthew 24: 24 - 28; Mark 13: 22 - 23; Luke 17: 23 - 24, 37.
For false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect.  See, I have told you beforehand.  Therefore if they say to you, "Look, He is in the desert!" do not believe it.  For as the lightening comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.  For wherever the carcass is, there the eagles will be gathered together.
This was spoken by Jesus toward the end of His ministry before He was to be crucified.  This is the continuation of the Olivet Discourse.  Jesus warned us that during this part of the winding down to the end.  Many false christs and false prophets will rise and show great signs and wonders to deceive.  Many people will be drawn in by these false people by their signs and wonders.  We need to pay attention to what they say and check that against the Word of God, much like the Berean's did to the Apostle Paul Acts 17:11.  They are false and will be exposed by the Words of God found in your Bible.  Remember that!!  I have run out of space again so will continue next post.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

457th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 - Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24, Continued.
The world has seen many types of disputes down through history, people thought the Martyrdom of the Early Church as the tribulation.  Then there was advent of Communism, the mass murders in Turkey, WWI, WWII,
whats happening in other parts of the world as this is being written.  Jesus said the tribulation of the one He is telling us about will be the worst in world history.  Daniel foresaw the tribulation as a "week" (7 years).  Jesus said that for the sake of the elect these days will be shortened.  Who these "elect" are is still a subject to debate.  The problem with this debate, is that we will not know who is right until it happens.  And when that happens, who will care?  The secret to getting through the tribulation is remaining True to Jesus, and persevering to the end.  You can not start the race, run for awhile and then drop out.  In order to gain the prize you must win the race by finishing it.  Keep the faith!

456th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't. Matthew 24: 15 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24; Continued.
One of the problems with trying to set the time frame for these signs, depends on how you interpret the Bible verses.  Jesus told us about the ant-christ (abomination of desolation), and Jesus tells us when this will happen.  When Jesus included the part concerning the prophet Daniel and let the reader understand.  Jesus being God, knew that God told Daniel to seal the last chapters of his book.  Jesus is saying when you see the anti-christ in the Holy Place, now the chapters that God told Daniel to seal are now to be unsealed, because the time those chapters talk about are now to be fulfilled.  When this comes to pass, then what Jesus says next will happen, "then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.  Let him who is the field not go back to get his clothes.  But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!  And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.  For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been seen since the beginning of the world until this time, no nor shall ever be. 
I have run out of space again so will continue next post.

Tuesday, March 27, 2012

455th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't. Matthew 24: 15 - 23 - Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24; Continued.
Jesus continues to say that the abomination of desolation (anti-christ) will be standing in the Holy Place.  Jesus is saying that the Holy Place will be there for this to be fulfilled.  Jesus was pointing at the Temple Mount from the Mount of Olives across the valley.  Jesus had already prophesied that the Temple would be destroyed, now Jesus is saying that the anti-christ will be standing on "Sacred Ground" on the Temple Mount.  Jesus is not the only prophet to foretell the rebuilding of the Temple.  This seems hard to believe with the Dome of the Rock standing on the Temple Mount.  This is probably as hard for us to believe as it was for the disciples to hear that the Temple would be destroyed, with not one stone standing on another.  This prophecy was fulfilled by the Roman Army in 70 A.D.  This is a blog based on the Bible, so I will use A.D. (Anno Domini) in the year of our Lord, instead of C.E. (Common Era).  Jesus is the Christ, the Messiah, this is God speaking these words.  He (as God) knows, how and when this will come about.  This is the only way this could happen, if it is God's Will.    

454th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 24; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24; Continued.
We have been looking at the dream Daniel interpreted from Daniel Chapter 2.  I believe that the rock cut out of the mountain without human hands needs to be looked at in this study.  This blog is based on the Words of Jesus as found in the Gospels and in Acts, in the Bible.  This stone is found in Daniel 2:34 - 35.  After this stone strikes the feet of the statue and the statue is broken into pieces, something strange happens to the stone.  In Daniel 2: 35; this stone grows into a huge mountain and fills the whole earth.  The stone is Jesus Christ and the spread of Christianity will fill the whole earth.  We have watched this unfold throughout history. Daniel 2: 44 says that in those days a kingdom will be set up by God and will never be destroyed.  This will prove my words. The time of tribulation is coming, and Jesus and Christianity will be tested during this time.  It will be harder on the believer's than at any time during their history.  These are not my words, but God's.  I have shown you the addresses of these passages for you to look up study where you are.  This is taken from God's Word, and therefore nothing we can do or say can change the outcome.  Do you believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God??  HE IS, PRAISE GOD!!

453rd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24.
In the last couple of posts, we have been looking at the "abomination that causes desolation" mentioned by both Daniel and Jesus.  In the last post we focused on the "little horn" of the 3rd kingdom.  Now we will be looking at the "little horn" coming out of the 4th kingdom, the ruins of the Ancient Roman Empire.  Who this "little horn" is, I can not say, because not enough of the prophecy has been fulfilled in order for me to determine this fact.  If you refer to Daniel Chapter 2, Daniel identified the kingdoms as mentioned in Nebuchadnezzar's dream.  What Daniel said when interpreting that dream is very interesting.  Not only did Daniel describe the parts of the kings dream into kingdoms, Daniel also mentioned a rock cut out of a mountain without human hands, and this rock slides down the mountain and strikes the statue at its feet and the statue collapses.  If you were to describe what period of this statue we are now living, we would have to say the time of the clay and iron feet.  At this time we do not know who the ten kingdoms of the Roman Empire are, they represent the 10 toes of the statue.  These have to be identified, in order for the "little horn" to be identified.  I have run out of space again, continued on next post.  

452nd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24. Continued.
The term "Little horns" mentioned in my last post are the terms Daniel used to describe anti-christs.  Little horn of the third kingdom Daniel 8: 9 - 14.  The other "little horn" is described in the fourth kingdom, Daniel 7: 20- 27.  What these "little horns" have in common is what I think needs to be taught, and has not been.  The Seleucid king mentioned in my previous post, and the "little horn" of the fourth kingdom has not been identified yet.  He will have some of the traits that the "little horn" of the third kingdom had.  The Seleucid king waged war not only against Israel, but also their God.  He wanted to kill off all belief,  people had in Israel's Most High God.  Notice that in Daniels prophecy concerning this "little horn" of the third kingdom, he tells how long this "little horn" would be in power.  According to Daniel's passage the time will be "2,300 evenings and mornings.  Then the sanctuary will be restored to its rightful state."  If you are a student of prophecy, you will notice that this number of the first "little horn" is different than the "little horn" of the fourth kingdom.  The third kingdoms time is 6.1/3 years, and the fourth kingdom "little horn" will be in power for a time, times and a half a time, or broken down into days would be 1,260 days.  Since Jesus talked about the "little horn", after the death of the "little horn" of the third kingdom, the only "little horn" Jesus could be talking about is the "little horn" that will come from the 4th kingdom or the Roman Empire.  I have run out of room again so will continue next post.    

Monday, March 26, 2012

451st Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age - Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24.
Only Jesus and Daniel, are the only ones in the Bible, who used the term "Abomination of desolation".  It is interesting that Jesus calls Daniel a "prophet"; if you look in a Jewish Bible you won't find Daniel under prophecy, but under "other writings".  Maybe this is why modern day writers on end times, don't pay much attention to the book of Daniel.  I believe that if Jesus is the Son of God, and the One coming back, then I feel what He says about End Times is very important.  Since Jesus Himself called Daniel a prophet, we should look at what He wrote concerning End Times as important.  Daniel is the only prophet that mentions "two little horns", one is mentioned in the third Kingdom and the other is in the fourth kingdom.  The little horn mentioned in the third kingdom had already lived and died before Jesus was born.  The little horn of the third kingdom was revealed to be "Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Selucid ruler from 175 - 164 B.C. find his story in 1 Macc. 1: 10 - 64.  I have run out of space will continue next post.

450th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24.
Therefore when you see the "abomination of desolation," spoken by Daniel the prophet, standing in the holy place (whoever reads, let him understand), then let those who are in Judea flee to the mountains.  Let him who is on the housetop not go down to get anything out of his house.  And let him who is in the field not go back to get his clothes.  But woe to those who are pregnant and to those who are nursing babies in those days!  And pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the Sabbath.  For then there will be great tribulation, such as has not been seen since the beginning of the world until this time, no, nor ever shall be.  And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect's sake those days will be shortened.  Then if anyone says to you, "Look, here is the Christ!" or "There!" do not believe it.
This was spoken by Jesus Christ as part of His Olivet Discourse from the Mount of Olives, shortly before His suffering and death.  This passage has taken up all my space so will comment on following posts.

Sunday, March 25, 2012

449th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions on End Times Con't. Matthew 24: 2 - 14 Con't.

Matthew 24: 2 - 14; Mark 13: 2 - 13; Luke 21: 6 - 19;  Continued.
Many false prophets will rise and  deceive many.  Lawlessness will abound , the love of many will grow cold.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved.  Jesus told the people many times that the days will be like the days of Noah, before Jesus will return again.  What did Jesus mean by likening His return to the time of Noah?  To better understand this part of the passage you must look again at Genesis chapter 6.  Before the flood you had the line of Cain still alive and in the world.  The Flood killed off the whole line of Cain, and most of Seth, except for 8 people.  When we are reading the New Testament, sometimes we don't remember to refer back to the Old Testament.  It would make sense that lawlessness would abound during this time, because that was the condition of the world then.  The phrase "But he who endures to the end shall be saved."  This gets lost in the rest of this passage, but it is just as important as the rest of this passage.  This message was repeated 7 times in Revelation to each of the 7 Churches located in modern day Turkey.  Apostasy will be very prevalant during this time.  Once you come to know Jesus, you can not turn your back on him.  If you do you will not be saved!
Where are you in your walk??  Only you and God know! 

Saturday, March 24, 2012

448th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. Predictions of End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 2 - 14 Con't.

Jesus then said then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you.  What happened to the people of the early Church has been used to fulfill this part of the prophecy.  You could make a case for this, however, the end has not come yet.  In Revelation, the martyrs call from under the altar for their blood to be avenged.  Daniel Chapter 7 talks about the anti-christ waging war against the saints for a time, times and a half a time, if the saints are pre-trib raptured, who are these saints the anti-christ is waging war against??  I believe that the tribulation to come will be even worse than what the early Church martyrs went through.  What the early Church suffered is a harbinger of what is to come in the future.  Jesus went on to say how love will grow cold, this did not happen during the early Church martyrdom.  Jesus said the end would not come until the gospel had been preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.  The Gospel has been preached throughout the world, but as of yet has not reached the whole world.  These are just signs, not THE SIGNS!

447th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't. - Matthew 24: 2 - 14 Con't.

Jesus told us that there will be wars and rumors of wars before the end comes.  It seems that every generation of Believer has been looking for a quick return of Christ, and many will tell you that Jesus could come back as early as tonight.  The people who believe this do not know what Jesus Himself had to say on the subject. If you think back to Jesus Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5; Jesus said He did not come to do away with the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill.  Every dot of the (i) and every cross of the (t), will be fulfilled.  There is a lot of prophecy still waiting to be fulfilled, that would make an appearance of Christ tonight, not very likely.  God is God, and being God can do whatever He wants.  The Bible being God's Word, is the measure we should all use to try to understand the truth.  Jesus went on to say that there will be famines, pestilences, and earth-quakes in various places.  People will say that these things seem to be getting worse, that is true; but the end is not yet.  All these are the beginnings of Sorrows.  To understand what the Sorrows are, you need to have some knowledge of the plight of the Jews during the Old Testament Diaspora.  I have run out of room again so will continue next post.  

446th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 2 - 14 Con't.

Jesus spoke these words to His disciples on the way from the Temple Mount to the Mount of Olives.  This passage is taken from a group of passages known as the Olivet Discourse.  The stones mentioned in the beginning of this text apply to the Temple.  This Temple was built by Ezra and Zerubbabel and remodeled by Herod the Great, it was still under construction at the time Jesus said these words.  (Many people look at this fact, to call into question the date of the writing of Revelation, because John did not mention the destruction of the Temple in Revelation.)  The disciples could not believe that this Temple could be destroyed so completely as Jesus had described.  This happened within 50 years after Jesus had mentioned this, and many of the people who heard Jesus say these words were still alive when it actually happened.  Jesus then reminds His disciples and us, that many will come in His name saying they are the "Christ"  and will deceive many.  This is still going on today, we even have whole churches that say "They are Christian, but they do not hold to all of His Teachings".  Jesus Christ is the measure, and to be a "Christian you hold to His Teachings". 

445th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. Predictions Concerning the End of the Age - Matthew 24: 2 - 14.

Matthew 24: 2 - 14; Mark 13: 2 - 13; Luke 21: 6 - 19.
Do you not not see all these things?  Assuredly, I say to you,  not one stone shall be left here upon another, that shall not be thrown down.  Take heed that no one deceives you.  For many will come in My name, saying, "I am the Christ", and will deceive many.  And you will hear of wars and rumors of wars.  See that you are not troubled; for all these things must come to pass, but the end is not yet.  For nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom.  And there will be famines, pestilences, and earth-quakes in various places.  All these are the beginning of sorrows.  Then they will deliver you up to tribulation and kill you, and you will be hated by all nations for My name's sake.  And then many will be offended, will betray one another, and will hate one another.  Then many false prophets will rise up and deceive many.  And because of lawlessness will abound, the love of many will grow cold.  But he who endures to the end shall be saved.  And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations, and then the end will come.
This was spoken by Jesus during the end of His Ministry on earth, before His crucifixion.  This passage has taken up most of my space here, so comments will begin on next text.

Thursday, March 22, 2012

444th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions on The End of the Age - New Section My comments.

Most people talking about the End of the World today, forget that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He had quite a bit to say about the End of the World.  In this section we will look at some of what He said. He talked about the End of the World in Parables, we will look at those when we study all His parables.  It seems some of us are caught up with knowing all we can about the End of the World, and the sequence of events the end will take place.  If you are looking to this blog for this type of information, you maybe disappointed.  But if you are interested in What Jesus said about the End of the World, that we will discuss here.  There are many schools of thought concerning the end of the world and how it will happen.  Unfortunately, they don't follow the Bible completely.  I believe that the End will come exactly as God has planned it, and we will all be surprised at some of the happenings as they unfold.  This is because God is infinite and we are finite in our understanding.  This is what makes God God, and us His created.  These Bible passages in this section are quite long in length, and may require more than one post to explain them, it would be a good idea to have your Bible handy when you review this section.  I am looking forward to discussing these passages with you and hope you will get a lot out of them. 

443rd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions of the Resurrection of the Saints Con't. - John 5: 25 - 29.

John 5: 25 - 29.
Most assuredly, I say to you, the hour is coming, and now is, when the dead will hear the voice of the Son of God; and those who hear will live. For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself, and has given Him authority to execute judgment also, because He is the Son of Man. Do not marvel at this; for the hour is coming in which all who are in the graves will hear His voice and come forth- those who have done good, to the resurrection of life, and those who have done evil, to the resurrection of condemnation.
This was spoken by Jesus 1.1/2 to 2 years into His earthly ministry.  Jesus had just healed the man at the Pool of Bethesda on the Sabbath.  The Religious Leaders have brought Jesus to task for working on the Sabbath.  Look at the passage shown at the top of this post, keep in mind it is the Sabbath, and then read carefully what Jesus says.  Jesus is telling the Religious Leaders why He was here and what He hoped to accomplish here, and the work to be continued until He comes again.  When we are alive but without Christ, we are dead in our sin.  Jesus has the ability to raise the dead, and to execute judgment, telling us which resurrection we will rise to, either life or eternal condemnation.  In order to gain the prize we must believe until Jesus comes.  We must not stop running the race.  Where do you stand??

Tuesday, March 20, 2012

442nd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Made Concerning the Resurrection of the Saints Con't. - Luke 20: 34 -38 Con't.

Luke 20: 34 - 38; Matthew 22: 39 - 32; Mark 12: 24 - 27.
Jesus told the people that after the dead are raised, there will be no marriage as we know it on earth. There will be no more death, and we will be equal with angels; being sons of the resurrection. Jesus then took the Religious Leaders to task, by pointing out in the Old Testament passage concerning Moses and the burning bush; God told Moses that He is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is the God of the living, not the dead. For a God to be a God, He has to be God of the living, otherwise He is only the creator. Big difference. As usual Jesus said a lot in a few words. It is interesting no matter what version of the Bible you have, the words Jesus spoke are simple and easy to understand. Praise God! The proofs are there that Jesus is the Son of God. We only have to find and believe them. Jesus paid the price for us to be again reinstated with God. The Bible is God's Word and speaks the truth.
I hope that you are enjoying this study, and are being challenged, or encouraged through this study.

441st Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning The Resurrection of the Saints - Luke 20: 34 - 38.

Luke 20: 34 - 38; Matthew 22: 29 - 32; Mark 12: 24 - 27.
The sons of this age marry and are given in marriage. But those who are accounted worthy to attain that age, and the resurrection from the dead, neither marry nor are given in marriage; nor can they die anymore, for they are equal to the angels and are sons of God, being sons of the resurrection. But even Moses showed in the burning bush passage that the dead are raised, when he called the Lord "the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob." For He is not the God of the dead but the living, for all live to Him.
This was spoken by Jesus toward the end of His earthly ministry. This text was spoken by Jesus in response to a question brought to Jesus by the Sadducees concerning resurrection. It is interesting that they would bring this question to Jesus, when they themselves did not believe in the resurrection. Jesus went ahead and answered their question. This account in Luke does not show Jesus' mood when answering them as Mathew and Mark accounts do. Jesus told them they had erred. This is the word used in the King James Version. The Sadducees were the Aaronite members who were in charge of the Temple Priestly duties. These men were the teachers of the Law, and the ones who practiced the Law in Temple worship. These men should know the correct meaning of the Law of God. Jesus being the Son of God, told them they have gotten it wrong. We have just barely gotten into this passage and I am running out of space, I will continue next post.

Monday, March 19, 2012

440th Post Jesus Predictions Made New Section Predictions Made For the Resurrection of the Saints - New Section.

Resurrection of the Saints New Section, my comments.
Jesus had told the disciples many times that if He rises, so they will rise. It is this promise that Christians hold to today. This is the very thing the world is trying to undermine by saying that Jesus never rose. It is trying to discredit Jesus life on earth by using B.C.E. and C.E. as a way of talking about history. We used to use the term B.C. (before Christ), for history before the birth of Christ. They have successfully gotten Jesus completely out of the picture by using B.C.E (before common era). This is a misnomer because it makes one believe that Jews, Christians and Islam all got started around the same time. This is not true. After Jesus died, history used the term B.C. (Before Christ) to mean all history before the time of Jesus' Birth, and A.D. ( Anno Domini) In the year of our Lord has been changed to C.E. (Common Era). You can see by changing B.C. to B.C.E. and A.D. to C.E.; they have gotten any mention of Jesus Christ out of our history. Unfortunately, for them, we still use the word history to measure happenings in time. Christians know this word to be written History which means HIS STORY! God has documented history and when you study it, you can see His Hand behind the scenes. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free. Praise God!!

Sunday, March 18, 2012

439th Post Jesus Predictions Of Persecutions made to His Foolowers Con't. John 16: 32 - 33.

John 16:31 - 32.
Indeed the hour is coming, yes, has now come, that you will be scattered, each to his own, and will leave Me alone. And yet I am not alone, because the Father is with Me. These things I have spoken to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you will have tribulation; but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world.
This was spoken by Jesus the night of His betrayal, in the upper room. Jesus warns His disciples that in a matter of hours, they will run and leave Jesus defenseless when the mob made up of Jews and Romans come to Gethsemane to take Jesus. Notice Jesus says that He will not be alone, His Father will be with Me. The Father never leaves Jesus, and as The Father never left, Jesus will never leave us. Jesus told the disciples ahead of time, so they could reflect on all that was said and done and believe. It took them sometime to come to understanding all that happened this night and the following days. When they came to this understanding they did have the peace Jesus had told them about. Jesus tells them that they will have tribulation as long as they deal with the world. Don't lose heart, for I (Jesus) have overcome the world. This promise is still good and applies to us today. Jesus is the Son of God and the Messiah. Do you believe this?

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

438th Post Jesus On Predictions He made Conscerning Presecutions of His Followers Con't. - John 16: 1 - 4.

John 16: 1 - 4.
These things I have spoken to you, that you should not be made to stumble. They will put you out of the synagogues; yes, the time is coming that whoever kills you will think that he offers God service. And these things they will do to you because they have not known the Father nor Me. But these things I have told you, that when the time comes, you may remember that I told you of them. And these things I did not say to you at the beginning, because I was with you.
This was spoken by Jesus on the night He was to be betrayed to His disciples in the upper room. Why is Jesus so worried about the disciples stumbling? Jesus knew very well that the disciples were not totally committed to Him yet. They were far form being united in their beliefs and understandings of Jesus. We tend to believe that following Jesus is a simple thing, and once you have started, you will never waiver. This is far from the teaching of Jesus, and His disciples. Look at the predictions Jesus is making concerning His followers. Jesus says that the people will put you out of the synagogues, and will kill you for your belief; and think they are acting in God's service. It seems Jesus was thinking of a man named Saul, that would later become Paul. Saul was a persecutor of the Disciples, and became a very outspoken leader of the same group, he was trying to eliminate. He also tells us not to fail to finish the race, it was very important for him to finish.

Monday, March 12, 2012

437th Post Jesus On Predictions & Persecution of His Followers con't. - John 15: 18 - 21.

John 15: 18 - 21.
If the world hates you, you know that it hated Me before it hated you. If you were of the world, the world would love its own. Yet because you are not of the world, but I chose you out of the world, therefore the world hates you. Remember the word that I said to you, "A servant is not greater than his master." If they persecuted Me, they will also persecute you. If they kept My Word, they will keep yours also. But all these things they will do to you for My name's sake, because they do not know Him who sent Me.
This was spoken by Jesus to His disciples in the upper room the night of His betrayal. Notice the theme is similar to the previous post, taught by Jesus 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. You have to remember that Jesus' disciples were fighting among themselves, earlier this evening. Jesus kept reminding them that from now on, they will be the ones taking the heat directly, and not Jesus as in the past. Jesus wanted them to understand that from now on their lives will be different than when Jesus was physically with them. The disciples had to stay united in their delivery and focus. Jesus knows that Satan's agenda is divide and conquer. Are you totally committed? You can still change if you want to.

436th Post Jesus On Predictions Made of Persecution of His Followers Con't. - Matthew 10: 24 - 26.

Matthew 10: 24 - 26; Mark 4:22; Luke 6:40; 8:17; & 12:2.
A disciple is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master. It is enough for a disciple that he be like his teacher, and a servant like his master. If they have called the master of the house of Beelzebub, how much more will they call those of his household! Therefore do not fear them. For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, and hidden that will not be known.
This was spoken by Jesus about 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. This passage shows Jesus' as God, for he spoke on behalf of his disciples at the time He spoke, and all future disciples of His. Jesus again shows us that He could take complex things and explain them simply. The second part of this text, can be confusing without further study. When Jesus said "they have called the master of the house Beelzebub", He is speaking to the Pharisees of His time, and false teachers in the future. If you remember the Pharisees, said that Jesus was getting His power from Beelzebub (Prince of demons). Jesus was representing God, so the Pharisees were saying that the master of the Temple was Beelzebub, according to Jesus. This is not the truth! All throughout history, people have tried to use this line of attack, to attack Jesus, and His followers. Jesus tells us to keep speaking the truth, and it will be revealed. No matter how much they try to destroy or cover the truth, it will be uncovered in the end. This is Jesus promise to us.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

435th Post Jesus Predictions Concerning Persection of His Followers Con't. - Matthew 10: 16 - 23 Cont'd.

Matthew 10: 16 - 23 Continued.
Jesus tells us that He will be there right with us when we are being persecuted, and will stay with us no matter what happens. God the Father will give us the words to say in our own defense. What could be better than that. The Father and Jesus helping us in our hour of need. This is a real promise. With all this good news, we can miss the part that says that you must endure to the end to be saved. This teaching is not dwelt on enough, I believe. The Bible tells us to endure to the end, or stay connected, or finish the race. All of these say the same thing. Once we make a commitment to follow Jesus, we must continue until death, or the Lord comes for you, which ever comes first.
Now the last part of this text, seems not to make sense. The part about not going through all the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes. Jesus spoke these words at two different times. The first time was 1.1/2 years into His earthly ministry. Jesus spoke these words before He sent His disciples out two by two. At that time, the disciples were only gone a short while, this is what Jesus meant when He said, "You will not have gone through all the cities of Israel before they see Jesus again. God's word is Truth and can not lie!

434th Post Jesus Predictions of Persecution of His Followers Con't. Matthew 10: 16 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 10: 16 - 23; Mark 13: 9 - 13; Luke 10: 3, 21: 13 - 19 Continued.
Jesus tells His followers that He is sending them out as sheep among wolves. To be Jesus' representative we are to be like sheep, meaning peaceful and humble. This will be hard for us, because human nature asks us to render in kind the treatment received by us. This is not the teaching of Jesus, we are to meek and humble. This teaching does not say to become the world's door mat for anyone to walk on. Meek does not mean weak; people who are wise, are slow to anger, this does not make them weak. Meek, means you know when to assert strength, and when to be passive. Jesus calls us to be wise as serpents and gentile as doves. This is a good definition of humbleness, and meekness. Jesus tells you to beware of men, and then He says they will deliver you up in councils and in their synagogues. This is a very interesting statement. Jesus is telling us that evil men will use whatever means they have to persecute you. Even places you thought you would be safe in. God is truth and will always stand for truth, so if you are proclaiming God's truth, God will know it and come to your aid. By coming to your aid, may not mean He will rescue you, He may use you to declare His Truth, and allow you to be persecuted for that truth! When you choose to follow Jesus, you put on His "yoke", like an animal of burden. What this means you submit your life to Him, Jesus does not leave you, but will be yoked to you as well. This is a special promise. When you are persecuted for His sake, He will be there right with you through all that happens. Even in death He will not leave you, but will take you where He is. Jesus tells us that we can be persecuted for Him anywhere in the world. If you look at this part of this text, you can follow these words happening to the early church martyrs. Foxe's "Book of Martyrs" is a good book to get the history of these saints.

433rd Post Jesus Predictions Persecution of His Followers Con't. - Matthew 10: 16 - 23.

Matthew 10: 16 - 23; Mark 13: 9 - 13; Luke 10: 3, 21: 11 - 19.
Behold I send you out as sheep in the midst of wolves. Therefore be wise as serpents and harmless as doves. But beware of men, for they will deliver you up to councils and scourge you in their synagogues. You will be brought before governors and kings for My sake, as a testimony to them and to the Gentiles. But when they deliver you up, do not worry about how or what you should speak. For it will be given to you in that hour what you should speak; for it is not you who speak, but the Spirit of your Father who speaks in you. Now brother will deliver up brother to death, and a father his child; and children will rise up against parents and cause them to be put to death. And you will be hated by all for My name's sake. But he who endures to the end will be saved. When they persecute you in this city, flee to another. For assuredly, I say to you, you will not have gone through the cities of Israel before the Son of Man comes.
This was spoken by Jesus at least twice during His earthly ministry,the first time about 1.1/2 years into His ministry (Matthew 10: 16 - 23; Luke 10: 3); and again toward the end of His ministry (Mark 13: 9 - 13; Luke 21: 11 - 19). As usual, Jesus says a lot in a few words. I am running out of space in this blog so I will have to continue next post. It would be a good idea to have your Bible handy when looking at the continuing posts as this one will be the only one I post the text.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

432nd Post Jesus Predictions Persecution of His Followers New Section - My Comments.

We will be looking at a new section of the Words of Jesus that Predicts the Persecution of His followers. Jesus told us from the beginning that if we follow Him we will be persecuted just like He was. Unfortunately, we try to play down this truth. Jesus taught us how to be in the world, but not a part of it. It is this change in our behavior, that causes friction between us and the rest of the world. When we are living for the world, doing as it likes; things go better for you. The world does not pick on its own. People still have problems when they live in the world, because there are consequences for living contrary to God. When you are in the world, you are alone, even when you have friends. This may not change when you decide to become a Christian, but you gain a Friend, that will never leave you, or forsake you. This is the comfort you have as a Christian, that you do not have when you are living in the world. If Jesus told us that we would be persecuted for following Him, why would any of us in our right minds still follow Him? Understanding this, puts you on the road to "Discovering the Joy" of being a Christian. When you follow Christ, your life does not suddenly get easier, it may get harder; but your outlook and understanding changes. Your joy comes from your understanding of God, Who He is; and Why He wants a personal relationship with you. Think about that for a minuet. The Creator of all things wants a personal relationship with you. You need to take time to get to know Him better. The more you know Him, the greater the change in your life. Are you changing??

431st Post Jesus Predictions Concerning His Ascension and Glorification Con't. - John 20: 17.

John 20: 17
Do not cling to Me, for I have not yet ascended to My Father; but go to My brethren and say to them, "I am ascending to My Father and your Father, and to My God and your God."
This was spoken by Jesus to Mary Magdalene outside the tomb on the first Easter Sunday. When Jesus told Mary not to touch Him because He had not ascended to His Father in Heaven. This seems to contradict what Jesus told the thief on the cross when He said "Today you will be with Me in Paradise." God does not make mistakes, or contradict Himself. When it looks like this is the case, it is our small minds where the contradiction lies. To better understand this passage you need to have an understanding of the Tabernacle and Temple worship. These were built by man, but according to God's blueprint and design. You have to remember that Jesus dying on the cross was a type of "Sin Offering". The blood of the sacrificed lamb has to be offered on the altar of incense in the Most Holy Place. Since the High Priest must be clean before entering the Most Holy Place, this might account for Jesus telling Mary to release Him. This is hinted at here, but the Bible does not say exactly. These are mysteries that God has chosen not to reveal to us. God is God, and can do whatever He wants. We can never know as much as God, or ever take His Place. This is true, and we can not make this untrue by shouting our untruth over and over. Jesus will call His Own and you may not be called even if you believe you are good enough to be included. God knows His Own! Are you true? Or are you faux (fake)! Measure yourself against what the Bible says, not any other book!

Friday, March 2, 2012

430th Post Jesus On Predictions On His Ascension and Glorification Con't. John 16: 19 - 28 Con't.

John 16: 19 - 28 Continued.
In the last post be were looking at Jesus' prediction concerning the joy His disciples will have once He is Glorified. Up to this point in time Jesus has prayed everything in His Father's name; now Jesus is telling His disciples that they may pray directly to Him in the future. This is new, Jesus is now telling the disciples that they can pray directly to Him, instead of the Father. Here you have proof that Jesus Himself said that He is God, and it did not take three hundred years for Jesus' follower's to elevate Him to that position. This fact is also pointed out in the Letter of Hebrews, as proof that Jesus was greater than the angels, because they could not accept direct worship. The fact that Jesus is Lord, makes Him greater than all the prophets, and teachers before or after Jesus. Only Jesus can claim to be the Son of God! The Glorification of Jesus is proof that He is God! No one else has been killed and then raised their body from the dead. This is why Jesus alone can say "I am the Resurrection and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me." He paid the price to be able to claim this. Jesus is the Only God that Claims This!! The end of this passage says that Jesus will come from the Father and then go back to Heaven. This seems to be confusing, but if you reason it out, Jesus came the first time when He was born, He went back to the Father after His death, and then came to earth again to spend time with His follower's before He will ascend into heaven, He will not come back again until He comes again at the end of the world. This will be told the disciples by angels when Jesus ascends into Heaven.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

429th Post Jesus Predictions Concerning His Acension and Glorification Con't. - John 16: 19 - 28 Con't.

John 16: 19 - 28.
This was spoken by Jesus in the upper room on the night of His betrayal. This was fifth time Jesus had told His disciples that He was going away; and the fourth time during their feast in the upper room. Jesus told His disciples a lot of things in this post, you should probably have your Bible handy, so that as I explain it you can refer to the text. Jesus tells the disciples that the time is coming for them to lament and to be sorrowful. Remember the disciples of John the Baptist asked Jesus why His disciples don't fast like the Pharisees and them. Jesus told them their time had not come yet. Now Jesus is telling His disciples now is the time. Jesus went on to say that the world will rejoice while you are sorrowful. Jesus said that their sorrow would be turned to joy. Much like a mother about to give birth, does not remember the pain and suffering of labor when the child is born. Their sorrow will leave just about as fast when Jesus rises from the dead. Jesus tells them that their joy will not be taken from them. It is this joy, that we as Christians have discovered when we become believer's. It was this joy that sustained the disciples through their many trials on their way to martyrdom. We have run out of room and still have more of this passage to discuss. To be continued.

428th Post Jesus Predictions Concerning His Ascension and Glorification Con't - John 16: 19 - 28.

John 16: 19 - 28.
Are you inquiring among yourselves about what I said, "A little while, and you will not see Me; and again a little while, and you shall see Me"? Most assuredly, I say to you that you will weep and lament, but the world will rejoice; and you will be sorrowful, but your sorrow will be turned into joy. A woman, when she is in labor, has sorrow because her hour has come; but as soon as she has given birth to the child, she no longer remembers the anguish, for joy that a human being has been born into the world. Therefore you now have sorrow; but I will see you again and your heart will rejoice, and your joy no one will take from you. And in that day you will ask Me nothing. Most assuredly, I say to you, whatever you ask the Father in My name He will give you. Until now you have asked nothing in My name. Ask, and you will receive, that your joy may be full. These things I have spoken to you in figurative language, but I tell you plainly about the Father. In that day you will ask in My name, and I do not say to you that I shall pray the Father for you; for the Father Himself loves you, because you have loved Me, and have believed that I came forth from God. I came forth from the Father and have come into the world. Again, I leave the world and go to the Father.
This post has taken up whole blog space, so I will comment on following post or posts.