Wednesday, March 28, 2012

457th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning End Times Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 - Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24, Continued.
The world has seen many types of disputes down through history, people thought the Martyrdom of the Early Church as the tribulation.  Then there was advent of Communism, the mass murders in Turkey, WWI, WWII,
whats happening in other parts of the world as this is being written.  Jesus said the tribulation of the one He is telling us about will be the worst in world history.  Daniel foresaw the tribulation as a "week" (7 years).  Jesus said that for the sake of the elect these days will be shortened.  Who these "elect" are is still a subject to debate.  The problem with this debate, is that we will not know who is right until it happens.  And when that happens, who will care?  The secret to getting through the tribulation is remaining True to Jesus, and persevering to the end.  You can not start the race, run for awhile and then drop out.  In order to gain the prize you must win the race by finishing it.  Keep the faith!

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