Saturday, March 24, 2012

447th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. Predictions Concerning the End of the Age Con't. - Matthew 24: 2 - 14 Con't.

Jesus told us that there will be wars and rumors of wars before the end comes.  It seems that every generation of Believer has been looking for a quick return of Christ, and many will tell you that Jesus could come back as early as tonight.  The people who believe this do not know what Jesus Himself had to say on the subject. If you think back to Jesus Sermon on the Mount in Matthew Chapter 5; Jesus said He did not come to do away with the Law or the Prophets, but to fulfill.  Every dot of the (i) and every cross of the (t), will be fulfilled.  There is a lot of prophecy still waiting to be fulfilled, that would make an appearance of Christ tonight, not very likely.  God is God, and being God can do whatever He wants.  The Bible being God's Word, is the measure we should all use to try to understand the truth.  Jesus went on to say that there will be famines, pestilences, and earth-quakes in various places.  People will say that these things seem to be getting worse, that is true; but the end is not yet.  All these are the beginnings of Sorrows.  To understand what the Sorrows are, you need to have some knowledge of the plight of the Jews during the Old Testament Diaspora.  I have run out of room again so will continue next post.  

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