Thursday, March 8, 2012

434th Post Jesus Predictions of Persecution of His Followers Con't. Matthew 10: 16 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 10: 16 - 23; Mark 13: 9 - 13; Luke 10: 3, 21: 13 - 19 Continued.
Jesus tells His followers that He is sending them out as sheep among wolves. To be Jesus' representative we are to be like sheep, meaning peaceful and humble. This will be hard for us, because human nature asks us to render in kind the treatment received by us. This is not the teaching of Jesus, we are to meek and humble. This teaching does not say to become the world's door mat for anyone to walk on. Meek does not mean weak; people who are wise, are slow to anger, this does not make them weak. Meek, means you know when to assert strength, and when to be passive. Jesus calls us to be wise as serpents and gentile as doves. This is a good definition of humbleness, and meekness. Jesus tells you to beware of men, and then He says they will deliver you up in councils and in their synagogues. This is a very interesting statement. Jesus is telling us that evil men will use whatever means they have to persecute you. Even places you thought you would be safe in. God is truth and will always stand for truth, so if you are proclaiming God's truth, God will know it and come to your aid. By coming to your aid, may not mean He will rescue you, He may use you to declare His Truth, and allow you to be persecuted for that truth! When you choose to follow Jesus, you put on His "yoke", like an animal of burden. What this means you submit your life to Him, Jesus does not leave you, but will be yoked to you as well. This is a special promise. When you are persecuted for His sake, He will be there right with you through all that happens. Even in death He will not leave you, but will take you where He is. Jesus tells us that we can be persecuted for Him anywhere in the world. If you look at this part of this text, you can follow these words happening to the early church martyrs. Foxe's "Book of Martyrs" is a good book to get the history of these saints.

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