Monday, March 26, 2012

451st Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Concerning the End of the Age - Con't. - Matthew 24: 15 - 23 Con't.

Matthew 24: 15 - 23; Mark 13: 14 - 21; Luke 21: 20 - 24.
Only Jesus and Daniel, are the only ones in the Bible, who used the term "Abomination of desolation".  It is interesting that Jesus calls Daniel a "prophet"; if you look in a Jewish Bible you won't find Daniel under prophecy, but under "other writings".  Maybe this is why modern day writers on end times, don't pay much attention to the book of Daniel.  I believe that if Jesus is the Son of God, and the One coming back, then I feel what He says about End Times is very important.  Since Jesus Himself called Daniel a prophet, we should look at what He wrote concerning End Times as important.  Daniel is the only prophet that mentions "two little horns", one is mentioned in the third Kingdom and the other is in the fourth kingdom.  The little horn mentioned in the third kingdom had already lived and died before Jesus was born.  The little horn of the third kingdom was revealed to be "Antiochus IV Epiphanes, Selucid ruler from 175 - 164 B.C. find his story in 1 Macc. 1: 10 - 64.  I have run out of space will continue next post.

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