Tuesday, March 20, 2012

442nd Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions Made Concerning the Resurrection of the Saints Con't. - Luke 20: 34 -38 Con't.

Luke 20: 34 - 38; Matthew 22: 39 - 32; Mark 12: 24 - 27.
Jesus told the people that after the dead are raised, there will be no marriage as we know it on earth. There will be no more death, and we will be equal with angels; being sons of the resurrection. Jesus then took the Religious Leaders to task, by pointing out in the Old Testament passage concerning Moses and the burning bush; God told Moses that He is the God of Abraham, the God of Isaac, and the God of Jacob. God is the God of the living, not the dead. For a God to be a God, He has to be God of the living, otherwise He is only the creator. Big difference. As usual Jesus said a lot in a few words. It is interesting no matter what version of the Bible you have, the words Jesus spoke are simple and easy to understand. Praise God! The proofs are there that Jesus is the Son of God. We only have to find and believe them. Jesus paid the price for us to be again reinstated with God. The Bible is God's Word and speaks the truth.
I hope that you are enjoying this study, and are being challenged, or encouraged through this study.

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