Monday, March 19, 2012

440th Post Jesus Predictions Made New Section Predictions Made For the Resurrection of the Saints - New Section.

Resurrection of the Saints New Section, my comments.
Jesus had told the disciples many times that if He rises, so they will rise. It is this promise that Christians hold to today. This is the very thing the world is trying to undermine by saying that Jesus never rose. It is trying to discredit Jesus life on earth by using B.C.E. and C.E. as a way of talking about history. We used to use the term B.C. (before Christ), for history before the birth of Christ. They have successfully gotten Jesus completely out of the picture by using B.C.E (before common era). This is a misnomer because it makes one believe that Jews, Christians and Islam all got started around the same time. This is not true. After Jesus died, history used the term B.C. (Before Christ) to mean all history before the time of Jesus' Birth, and A.D. ( Anno Domini) In the year of our Lord has been changed to C.E. (Common Era). You can see by changing B.C. to B.C.E. and A.D. to C.E.; they have gotten any mention of Jesus Christ out of our history. Unfortunately, for them, we still use the word history to measure happenings in time. Christians know this word to be written History which means HIS STORY! God has documented history and when you study it, you can see His Hand behind the scenes. If you know the truth, the truth will set you free. Praise God!!

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