Thursday, March 22, 2012

444th Post Jesus Predictions Con't. - Predictions on The End of the Age - New Section My comments.

Most people talking about the End of the World today, forget that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, and He had quite a bit to say about the End of the World.  In this section we will look at some of what He said. He talked about the End of the World in Parables, we will look at those when we study all His parables.  It seems some of us are caught up with knowing all we can about the End of the World, and the sequence of events the end will take place.  If you are looking to this blog for this type of information, you maybe disappointed.  But if you are interested in What Jesus said about the End of the World, that we will discuss here.  There are many schools of thought concerning the end of the world and how it will happen.  Unfortunately, they don't follow the Bible completely.  I believe that the End will come exactly as God has planned it, and we will all be surprised at some of the happenings as they unfold.  This is because God is infinite and we are finite in our understanding.  This is what makes God God, and us His created.  These Bible passages in this section are quite long in length, and may require more than one post to explain them, it would be a good idea to have your Bible handy when you review this section.  I am looking forward to discussing these passages with you and hope you will get a lot out of them. 

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