Friday, March 2, 2012

430th Post Jesus On Predictions On His Ascension and Glorification Con't. John 16: 19 - 28 Con't.

John 16: 19 - 28 Continued.
In the last post be were looking at Jesus' prediction concerning the joy His disciples will have once He is Glorified. Up to this point in time Jesus has prayed everything in His Father's name; now Jesus is telling His disciples that they may pray directly to Him in the future. This is new, Jesus is now telling the disciples that they can pray directly to Him, instead of the Father. Here you have proof that Jesus Himself said that He is God, and it did not take three hundred years for Jesus' follower's to elevate Him to that position. This fact is also pointed out in the Letter of Hebrews, as proof that Jesus was greater than the angels, because they could not accept direct worship. The fact that Jesus is Lord, makes Him greater than all the prophets, and teachers before or after Jesus. Only Jesus can claim to be the Son of God! The Glorification of Jesus is proof that He is God! No one else has been killed and then raised their body from the dead. This is why Jesus alone can say "I am the Resurrection and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me." He paid the price to be able to claim this. Jesus is the Only God that Claims This!! The end of this passage says that Jesus will come from the Father and then go back to Heaven. This seems to be confusing, but if you reason it out, Jesus came the first time when He was born, He went back to the Father after His death, and then came to earth again to spend time with His follower's before He will ascend into heaven, He will not come back again until He comes again at the end of the world. This will be told the disciples by angels when Jesus ascends into Heaven.

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