Saturday, September 1, 2012

557th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parable of Treasures Old and New Con't. 2nd Post - Matthew 13: 52.

Parable of Treasures Old and New Continued - 2nd post.
I left off last post with Galatians 1: 8 -9, which is a very strong warning for all of us who are trying to teach the truth.  Jesus holds teachers more accountable, then our students because to him much is given, to him much is required.  Jesus wants His Message Preached Completely, not just the parts teachers like, or the parts they feel they can fulfill.  This was the disconnect Jesus had with the religious leaders of His day.  They taught the Scriptures according to their own understanding, and not God's.  It is very easy for teachers to fall into this situation.  Teachers are looked to to tell our listener's the Truth.  We live in a world where the common belief is that truth is relative, THIS IS NOT GOD'S TRUTH!!!  This is why Jesus can make the claim "I am the Resurrection and the Life, no one comes to the Father except through Me."  Those words do not seem to have any room for other ways.  This is God's Truth!  As you proceed through your walk with Jesus, you will appreciate the Old Testament prophecies that pointed to Jesus birth and continue to point to Jesus Second Coming.  The prophecies made in the New Testament, do not change the prophecies made in the Old Testament, but provide more information.  This is what this parable is about, Treasures Old and New, you need both to have a complete treasure.  What does your Treasure Chest look like? Only one kind Old or New??  If so, the Scriptures provide for what you are missing.   

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