Saturday, September 8, 2012

562nd Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parbles About Growing the Kingdom Con't. - Parable of the Leaven 1st Post - Matthew 13: 33.

Parable of the Leaven Matthew 13: 33; Luke 13: 20 - 21. 1st Post.
The Kingdom of heaven is like leaven, which a woman took and hid in three measures of meal till it was all leavened.
This was spoken by Jesus 1 - 1.1/2 years into His earthly Ministry.  This parable goes along with the rest of the parables in this chapter.  Where growth takes place in a world of good and evil, and the kingdom of heaven here reflects this.  This parable has a little twist to it though.  Most places in the Bible, where leaven appears it is only negative.  Even when Jesus is battling with the Pharisees and Sadducees, Jesus calls them leaven.  In this parable, Jesus says that the Kingdom of Heaven is like leaven.  What Jesus is saying, that in a world that is already bad (full of leaven)  The Kingdom of Heaven, represents good leaven.  Like regular leaven, it takes only a small amount to change the whole lump.  Jesus calls on us as believer's to be salt and light, and now leaven.  When we let our light, salt and leaven, show it does not take many of us to make a difference.  If you think about this, light, salt and leaven produce action.  You think light does not make a difference?  Try lighting one match in a pitch dark room, you will be surprised how much light one match gives off.  The same thing with salt, it does not take much salt to flavor meat, or food.  Not much leaven is needed to affect the lump.  The Kingdom of Heaven on earth will contain both good and bad, but the Kingdom of Heaven in Heaven will contain only true believer's.  Are you real?? Or are you just hanging out??  Only you and God Know!  

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