Wednesday, September 12, 2012

564th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables Growing the Kingdom Con't. - Mark 4: 26 - 29 2nd Post.

Natural Growth Parable Mark 4: 26 - 29 Continued 2nd Post.
The parable continues to say that the seed grows and matures without the man's help.  There are other  forces at work here.  God causes the rain to come to water the seed, and the sun to give it additional nutrients.  So why would Jesus tell this parable, along with the "Sower","The Mustard Seed" and "Leaven".  All these parables give you a view of what the kingdom of God is like.  Not all of the parables Jesus told, talks about what we have to do gain it.  In the Parable of Natural Growth, the seed seems to grow without very much intervention from us.  So how do all these parables help us to understand the kingdom of God.  In the parable of the "Sower", we learned that the condition of the soil was very important for growth.  The soil is the condition of our heart.  If our hearts are prepared to receive the seed (Word of God), the seed will grow and prosper.  The Parable of the "Mustard Seed and the Leaven", we found that both good and evil would be part of the kingdom of God on earth.  This is brought out in the Parable of "Natural Growth".  Jesus was trying to show that somethings are involved that are beyond our ability to control.   

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