Tuesday, September 18, 2012

568th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables on Forgiveness Con't. - Parable of the Unjust Servant 3rd Post - Matthew 18: 23 - 35

Matthew 18: 23 - 35 Continued 3rd post. Parable of the Unjust Servant Continued.
We left off last post with the servant who had his large debt forgiven, finding a fellow servant who owed him a considerably less debt, but demanded payment, and the servant could not pay threw him in prison until such time he could pay his debt.  What just happened, speaks a lot about the character of the first servant.  Most people when we have been forgiven a large debt by their master, would in turn forgive the other servant his debt to us; most of us would think this way.  This is why the other servants who have watched this drama unfold, ran and told the master all that was done.  The master in this story acts exactly how we would expect the master to act in this situation.  We believe the master dealt justly with the unjust servant.  You would be right.  Now why would Jesus tell this parable in Chapter 18, along with the disciples bickering among themselves about "Who is the greatest!", and Jesus teaching about restoring a fallen member.  This unjust servant was not restored but thrown out.  Why??  The master threw him out, because he had already tried to restore him, when he forgave him his debt.  Jesus tells us that we are to forgive over and over right??
Why would Jesus tell this story??  I am running out of space for this post so will continue this next post.  

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