Saturday, September 15, 2012

567th Post Jesus Said Conerning Parables Con't. - Parables about Forgiveness Con't. - The Unjust Servant Parable 2nd Post - Matthew 18: 23 - 35.

Matthew 18: 23 - 35 Continued 2nd Post The Parable of the Unjust Servant.
This was spoken by Jesus toward the end of His earthly Ministry.  Jesus was on His way from the Sea of Galilee to Jerusalem for His Triumphant Entry into Jerusalem (Palm Sunday).  Chapter 18 of Matthew opens with the disciples arguing amongst themselves "Who will be the greatest!"  They come to Jesus and ask Him to tell them which one.  Jesus grabs a child and puts him in their midst and then proceeds to tell them that they have to become more like this child to gain entrance into the Kingdom of Heaven.  Matthew chapter 18, also gives information about reconciling your lost brother.  Then the chapter ends with this parable of the Unjust Servant; these topics do not seem to go together.  Forgiveness is the central theme running through this chapter.  In the parable listed above, the Master calls all of his servants to settle accounts.  One of his servants owes him a debt of ten thousand talents.  The master demands that the servant pay all he owes now.  The servant could not pay, so the master commanded the servant, his wife and children be sold along with all his goods to settle the debt. The servant falls down before him and said "Have patience with me and I will pay you all."  The master had compassion on this servant and forgave him his debt.  The servant had no sooner left the master's presence when he finds a fellow servant that owes him a hundred denarii.  The servant demands payment, when the servant can not pay, he threw this servant into prison till he could pay the debt.   

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