Wednesday, September 12, 2012

565th Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - New Section Forgiveness - My Comments.

New Section Parables on Forgiveness.
Forgiveness is at the center of why many of us became Christians in the first place.  When I think of forgiveness, the second verse of Amazing Grace comes to mind.  "Twas Grace that taught my heart to fear, and Grace my fears relieved,  How precious did the Grace appear,  The hour I first believed."  When we come to understand that our sinful nature is enough to send us directly to hell, we understand we need help.  This is what makes us come to the Throne of God, because God the Father gave us His Son to die on our behalf. This is the first part of second verse of Amazing Grace.  The second part takes a while for some of us to understand.  How can Grace teach your heart to fear, and then relieve your fear as well.  When you understand that God forgives us, more than once,  He is willing and able to forgive us whenever we ask for forgiveness.  To understand this, we need to know that this forgiveness is not a license to sin like crazy.  When you decide to be a part of the Kingdom of God, you start taking off the attributes of this world, and put on the attributes of God.  It is process, that shows people that you are different.  The parables we will be looking at in this section are as follows:
The Unjust Servant
Forgiven Much, Forgiven Little
The Prodigal Son

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