Tuesday, September 25, 2012

572nd Post Jesus Said Concerning Parables Con't. - Parables Concerning Forgiveness Con't. - Parable Forgiven Much, Forgiven Little - Luke 7: 41 - 47 Con't. - 3rd Post.

Luke 7: 41 - 47 Continued Parable Forgiven Much, Forgiven Little 3rd Post.
The similarities between this parable and what Mary (Lazarus' Sister) did continues.  In this parable the woman anointed Jesus feet with perfume from an alabaster flask (Luke 7:37);  Mary anointed Jesus' head before He was to be crucified, a different time.  Since the account says the ointment or perfume comes in an alabaster flask or container means that it was expensive.  The woman would use such a gift, if she clearly understands the debt Jesus relieved her of.  She washes Jesus' feet with her tears and dries them with her hair.  This woman recognizing her sin and position would not dare to touch Jesus' hair on his head.  Using her hair as a towel; women of the Middle East consider their hair to be their glory.  This woman uses her hair to show Jesus just how much she appreciates what Jesus has done for her.  Clearly, she knows that she has been forgiven much.  Now back to Simon, it was custom in the Middle East at this time to provide a basin, water and a towel to wash and dry their guests feet before entering their houses.  Simon would have known about this custom.  Why this was not done, is not important.  Jesus used this to show the differences between forgiven much and forgiven little.  Pharisees believe that since they teach the Law, they are above the Law, and did not sin.  The fact that all men die, proves that we are all sinners.  No one escapes death.  This proves that we need a Savior to gain eternal life.  Are you saved??      

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