Tuesday, March 8, 2011

244th Post Jesus Said on the Holy Spirit Con't. - John 16: 7

John 16: 7 Maundy Thursday Night in the Upper Room with His disciples.
Nevertheless, I tell you the truth: it is to your advantage that I go away, for if I do not go away, the Helper will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you.
This was spoken by Jesus just before He went to Gethsemane to be arrested by the crowd. The disciples could not understand what Jesus was telling them. Jesus had been always there, and always stood up to the opposition for them. Now He is telling them, He has to leave, but He will send a Helper to come to them. Who is this Helper, and what could He do, that would raise our advantage? From the disciples point of view, this was a lose, lose situation. How could they be better off? We, as we are reading this account, may feel the same way. How could Jesus' going away, make things better? After Jesus died, He was true to His Word and sent the Helper (Holy Spirit) to come, and He still comes to all believer's. Jesus, when He was on earth, was stopped by his physical body. When Jesus sent His disciples away to do things they were on their own, until they could come back into Jesus' presence. Jesus could pray for them, but He could not help more than that. Since the Helper is spirit, He can indwell in us and strengthen us and give us courage. As a Spirit, He can go with all of us, even if we go in different directions, at the same time. It really was to our advantage that Jesus sent the Holy Spirit to us.

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